
I’ve been a writer since my childhood in Massapequa, NY, causing a sensation and finding a strong — albeit captive — fan base among my immediate family at the dinner table. Since then, I’ve lived in Cortland, NY, Manhattan, Syracuse, Buffalo, and for the last 30 years, Baltimore. I’ve worked as a teacher, editorial director, and freelancer. I was a wife; I am a mother, grandmother, godmother, aunt, cousin, and friend. I’m sometimes an inspired cook and always a bad singer. I’m capable of false starts and thinking before I leap, hard landings, a good story, and a laugh you can hear from a block away.

I blog on this site, near and dear to my heart, on Thursday mornings. My work can also be found at huffingtonpost.com, 1010ParkPlace.com, BoomerCafe.com, and BetterAfter50.com.

I’ve recently completed a memoir, I Haven’t Got All Day. I’m represented by literary agent Maryann Karinch of The Rudy Agency.

20 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Linda,

    I stumbled upon your wonderful baby boomer blog and couldn’t resist sending you one of our latest blog posts of 13 popular vintage toys that defined the childhood of the baby boomer generation — something I thought both you and your readers would enjoy.

    From Mr. Potato Head, to Spirograph and the game of Clue the post details some cool toys introduced in the 50s and 60s. http://crestleaf.com/blog/13-vintage-toys-baby-boomers-began-generation/

    I thought this might be a fun post for you to share on your site, Linda. Let me know if you do!

    Kind Regards,

    Mark Subel
    Chief Digital Officer
    Twitter: @Crestleaf
    Our Blog: Crestleaf.com/Blog
    About Us: Crestleaf.com (a Top 100 genealogy site by Genealogy in Time Magazine) is a free online family tree builder that has been used by tens of thousands of people to document their family history. Along with the family tree tool, we provide free access to 90 Million+ historical records.


  2. Twitter strikes lightning this morning when I see a “Linda DeMers Hummel” tweet appear in someone’s stream. I click because I recall taking a class from an exceptional writer with the name. Could this be the same person? Location is right. Click on the blog and the uniqueness of the writing confirms it, with storytelling powers pulling me in to post after post. I am glad that I found your place on the web!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Likely EC as I was there only quickly in the middle of transferring. If memory serves, I was smart enough to have you write a recommendation for law school…check out my own blog sometime, you may enjoy. Glad to connect with such a creative mind who inspired and inspires…


  4. I stumbled across your story about dating while scanning Yahoo, and delighted, chased your words down the rabbit hole only to wind up here. You called yourself chickenhearted, but I think I would have to disagree. You see, at 53, I can’t bring myself to go through that much pain and humiliation. Besides, I’m just a bit busy trying not to grow old, nourishing a healthy inner 10 year old. If I lived in your 50 mile radius, I would be tempted to throw my hat in the ring. I think I will continue to read your posts. Perhaps, if you’re open to it, we could strike up a conversation or two from time to time?


    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello,
    Today I read, “A Teacher’s Reward-and Regret” from The Syracuse Post-Standard. I thought it fabulous so I visited your blog. I also read about your first experience teaching college and working as a writing tutor. Brought tears to my eyes. I’ve been teaching at an upstate northern New York community college (full-time) for nine years. I teach critical reading and thinking skills. Great job and keep writing!!!
    Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. So glad I stumbled on your site. You brought me to the right place at the right time. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, but it was OUR time. MatzoPizza. As if Massapequa wasn’t hard enough to spell on it’s own! I am following. I want more.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Hi Linda, I, too, am from Long Island, Levittown to be precise, and now live outside of Baltimore. I just found your blog, and the aforementioned article (A Teacher’s Reward-and Regret” from The Syracuse Post-Standard.) What a dear experience, for you and your forever farmer friend. What a joy to find a teacher, writing about events from a perspective I can relate to, as I am no longer a “young bloom” either. I look forward to your continued writings.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi. Found your blog and wanted to congratulate you on getting an agent for your memoir. The pieces I’ve read about your early years on Long Island are touching and funny.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Absolutely! And thanks for subscribing, Linda! Is there a way I can subscribe to your blog, or do I just follow you? That’s the biggest challenge for me – as a “tech-challenged” individual, figuring out the logistics.


  10. Linda – I just saw an email that you’re following me on WordPress.com. This is where I get so confused – I did experiment with a WordPress-hosted site, but it’s not active at all, so I’m not sure how I lead you there. If you’d like to subscribe to my RSS feed, you’ll get just one email per week when my blog is posted here: http://www.thewellnestedlife.com/blog. One day soon, I’ll have this all figured out!


    1. I’m never sure about this stuff either. I clicked on the link that was included in your first comment. That lead me to your blog. I haven’t been posting much on my blog lately, having been trying more to go for paying markets. L


  11. Well, here I sit, the Day After Thanksgiving, amidst the boxes of my now empty Christmas Closet doing my annual review of their contents. In one of my traditions (can one ever have too many?) I have read “Daniel’s Gift” knowing by the end tears would be running down my face. Every year I’ve read it – first to my passle of children and now just to myself. It wrecks my heart……who doesn’t want to be like Daniel??? A 5th Grade Jesus. Yep. You nailed this story. Thank you for telling it. Thank you for honing your craft to be able to tell it with such love. Thank you for your gift.


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